Jobseeking is Hard
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Extra Tips & Advice: Gain exclusive insights, strategies, and advice from a recruiter with over 20 years of experience in the field. Discover what hiring managers truly value and how to stand out at every step of your job search.
Access to Previous Issues: Explore a library of knowledge with all 100+ past issues of the newsletter. Each edition is packed with proven strategies, practical advice, and real-world jobseeking stories to give you an edge in today’s competitive job market. From resume tips to handling tough interview questions, you’ll find answers to every challenge.
Exclusive Q&A: Have questions about your job search? Premium subscribers can ask Adam directly! Questions will be featured in upcoming issues, with detailed answers tailored to real-world scenarios, ensuring you get the guidance you need.
Bonus Content: As part of your Premium subscription, you’ll receive 20 additional job search tips delivered to your inbox over the next 20 days. This includes advice on avoiding common mistakes and maximizing your job search strategy to land interviews faster.
What People Are Saying
“Your premium letter is amazing! Keep up the amazing work :)”
Premium Subscriber
“I have enjoyed the newsletter service and found Adam’s advice informative & helpful in my job search. I recently accepted my dream job and also received a small pay increase too. Many thank yous!!”
Premium Subscriber
“Put me on the list of those you have helped and those that are truly grateful for the community you have created. It’s been 6 long, arduous months. Horror stories galore of interviews that stretched over 3 months and 7-8 interviews that ended in no offer. But as a premium subscriber to your newsletter, I deployed the tactics you recommended. I took advice and solace from other members of this community you have created. I persevered and stayed the course. I did not devalue myself or succumb to the pressure to take a role with red flags. I’m sure I self-eliminated through some tough questions to the interviewers along the way. I’m proud to say that yesterday I signed an offer letter for a VP of Operations role 15 minutes from my house and will not require any travel outside of the occasional conference. This is a dream scenario after being on the 75% travel scene for 6 years! Thank you for teaching me and others to know and understand our value and giving us the tools and resources to hone our skills! ”
Premium Subscriber
“I had been job hunting for over 3 months when I discovered your page. I now have a job offer with not only making more but in such a better work environment!!! This even helped me weed out bad companies that interviewed me after the fact, as they would come off offended at these questions you recommended. The last thing I wanted was another toxic environment. Your advice and thoughts are so refreshingly different that it makes me think differently about how to be in the workforce. You should seriously start a podcast, a TV show, a Ted Talk, etc., as in such an uncertain time, you are giving all of us hope out there. Thank you again!!”
Premium Subscriber